"Hadoop" entries

Enterprise Data Workflows with Cascading

OSCON 2013 Speaker Series

Paco Nathan (@pacoid) is Director of Data Science at Concurrent, O’Reilly Author, and OSCON 2013 Speaker. In this interview we talk about creating enterprise data workflow with Cascading. Be sure to check out Paco’s book on the subject here

NOTE: If you are interested in attending OSCON to check out Paco’s talk or the many other cool sessions, click over to the OSCON website where you can use the discount code OS13PROG to get 20% your registration fee.

Key highlights include:

  • Cascading is an abstraction layer on top of Hadoop [Discussed at 0:23]
  • Define your business logic at a high level [Discussed at 1:21]
  • Is Cascading good for enterprise? [Discussed at 2:31]
  • Test-driven development at scale [Discussed at 3:35]
  • Cascalog and the City of Palo Alto Open Data portal [Discussed at 7:39]

You can view the full interview here:

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Scaling People, Process, and Technology with Python

OSCON 2013 Speaker Series

NOTE: If you are interested in attending OSCON to check out Dave’s talk or the many other cool sessions, click over to the OSCON website where you can use the discount code OS13PROG to get 20% off your registration fee.

Since 2009, I’ve been leading the optimization team at AppNexus, a real-time advertising exchange. On this exchange, advertisers participate in real-time auctions to bid on individual ad impressions. The highest bid wins the auction, and that advertiser gets to show an ad. This allows advertisers to carefully target where they advertise—maximizing the effectiveness of their advertising budget—and lets websites maximize their ad revenue.

We do these auctions often (~50 billion a day) and fast (<100 milliseconds). Not surprisingly, this creates a lot of technical challenges. One of those challenges is how to automatically maximize the value advertisers get for their marketing budgets—systematically driving consumer engagement through ad placements on particular websites, times of day, etc.—and we call this process “optimization.” The volume of data is large, and the algorithms and strategies aren’t trivial.

In order to win clients and build our business to the scale we have today, it was crucial that we build a world-class optimization system. But when I started, we didn’t have a scalable tech stack to process the terabytes of data flowing through our systems every day, and we didn't have the team to do any of the required data modeling.


So, we needed to hire great people fast. However, there aren’t many veterans in the advertising optimization space, and because of that, we couldn’t afford to narrow our search to only experts in Java or R or Matlab. In order to give us the largest talent pool possible to recruit from, we had to choose a tech stack that is both powerful and accessible to people with diverse experience and backgrounds. So we chose Python.

Python is easy to learn. We found that people coding in R, Matlab, Java, PHP, and even those who have never programmed before could quickly learn and get up to speed with Python. This opened us up to hiring a tremendous pool of talent who we could train in Python once they joined AppNexus. To top it off, there’s a great community for hiring engineers and the PyData community is full of programmers who specialize in modeling and automation.

Additionally, Python has great libraries for data modeling. It offers great analytical tools for analysts and quants and when combined, Pandas, IPython, and Matplotlib give you a lot of the functionality of Matlab or R. This made it easy to hire and onboard our quants and analysts who were familiar with those technologies. Even better, analysts and quants can share their analysis through the browser with IPython.


Now that we had all of these wonderful employees, we needed a way to cut down the time to get them ramped up and pushing code to production.

First, we wanted to get our analysts and quants looking at and modeling data as soon as possible. We didn’t want them worrying about writing database connector code, or figuring out how to turn a cursor into a data frame. To tackle this, we built a project called Link.

Imagine you have a MySQL database. You don’t want to hardcode all of your connection information because you want to have a different config for different users, or for different environments. Link allows you to define your “environment” in a JSON config file, and then reference it in code as if it is a Python object.

 { "dbs":{
  "my_db": {
   "wrapper": "MysqlDB",
   "host": "mysql-master.123fakestreet.net",
   "password": "",
   "user": "",
   "database": ""

Now, with only three lines of code you have a database connection and a data frame straight from your mysql database. This same methodology works for Vertica, Netezza, Postgres, Sqlite, etc. New “wrappers” can be added to accommodate new technologies, allowing team members to focus on modeling the data, not how to connect to all these weird data sources.

In [1]: from link import lnk
In [2]: my_db = lnk.dbs.my_db
In [3]: df = my_db.select('select * from my_table').as_dataframe()

Int64Index: 325 entries, 0 to 324
Data columns:
id    325 non-null values
user_id   323 non-null values
app_id   325 non-null values
name    325 non-null values
body    325 non-null values
created   324 non-null values

By having the flexibility to easily connect to new data sources and APIs, our quants were able to adapt to the evolving architectures around us, and stay focused on modeling data and creating algorithms.

Second, we wanted to minimize the amount of work it took to take an algorithm from research/prototype phase to full production scale. Luckily, with everyone working in Python, our quants, analysts, and engineers are using the same language and data processing libraries. There was no need to re-implement an R script in Java to get it out across the platform.
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Moving from Batch to Continuous Computing at Yahoo!

Spark, Storm, HBase, and YARN power large-scale, real-time models.

My favorite session at the recent Hadoop Summit was a keynote by Bruno Fernandez-Ruiz, Senior Fellow & VP Platforms at Yahoo! He gave a nice overview of their analytic and data processing stack, and shared some interesting factoids about the scale of their big data systems. Notably many of their production systems now run on MapReduce 2.0 (MRv2) or YARN – a resource manager that lets multiple frameworks share the same cluster.

Yahoo! was the first company to embrace Hadoop in a big way, and it remains a trendsetter within the Hadoop ecosystem. In the early days the company used Hadoop for large-scale batch processing (the key example being, computing their web index for search). More recently, many of its big data models require low latency alternatives to Hadoop MapReduce. In particular, Yahoo! leverages user and event data to power its targeting, personalization, and other “real-time” analytic systems. Continuous Computing is a term Yahoo! uses to refer to systems that perform computations over small batches of data (over short time windows), in between traditional batch computations that still use Hadoop MapReduce. The goal is to be able to quickly move from raw data, to information, to knowledge:

On a side note: many organizations are beginning to use cluster managers that let multiple frameworks share the same cluster. In particular I’m seeing many companies – notably Twitter – use Mesos1 (instead of YARN) to run similar services (Storm, Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, HBase) on the same cluster.

Going back to Bruno’s presentation, here are some interesting bits – current big data systems at Yahoo! by the numbers:

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Analytic engines that factor in security labels

Data stores are rolling out easy-to-use analysis tools

Originated by the NSA, Apache Accumulo is a BigTable inspired data store known for being highly scalable and for its interesting security model. Federal agencies and Defense contractors have deployed Accumulo on clusters of a thousand or more servers. It also uses “cell-level” security to control access to values stored in individual cells1.

What Accumulo was lacking were easy-to-use, standard analytic engines that allow users to interact with data. The release of Sqrrl Enterprise this past week fills that gap. Sqrrl Enterprise provides an initial set of analytic engines for the Accumulo ecosystem2. It includes support for interactive SQL, fulltext search, and queries over graph data. Each of these engines takes into account security labels placed on data: since every data object ingested into Sqrrl has a security label, (query & analytic) results incorporate those access levels. Analysts interact with data as they normally would. For example Sqrrl’s indexing technology accounts for security labels, and search queries are written in standard Lucene syntax. Reminiscent of the Phoenix project for HBase3, SQL queries4 in Sqrrl are converted into optimized Accumulo iterators.

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It’s getting easier to build Big Data applications

Analytic engines on top of Hadoop simplify the creation of interesting, low-cost, scalable applications

Hadoop’s low-cost, scale-out architecture has made it a new platform for data storage. With a storage system in place, the Hadoop community is slowly building a collection of open source, analytic engines. Beginning with batch processing (MapReduce, Pig, Hive), Cloudera has added interactive SQL (Impala), analytics (Cloudera ML + a partnership with SAS), and as of early this week, real-time search. The economics that led to Hadoop dominating batch processing is permeating other types of analytics.

Another collection of open source, Hadoop-compatible analytic engines, the Berkeley Data Analytics Stack (BDAS), is being built just across the San Francisco Bay. Starting with a batch-processing framework that’s faster than MapReduce (Spark), it now includes interactive SQL (Shark), and real-time analytics (Spark Streaming). Sometime this summer, frameworks for machine-learning (MLbase) and graph analytics (GraphX) will be released. A cluster manager (Mesos) and an in-memory file system (Tachyon) allow users of other analytic frameworks to leverage the BDAS platform. (The Python data community is looking at Tachyon closely.)

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Tracking the progress of large-scale Query Engines

A new, open source benchmark can be used to track performance improvements over time

As organizations continue to accumulate data, there has been renewed interest in interactive query engines that scale to terabytes (even petabytes) of data. Traditional MPP databases remain in the mix, but other options are attracting interest. For example, companies willing to upload data into the cloud are beginning to explore Amazon Redshift1, Google BigQuery, and Qubole.

A variety of analytic engines2 built for Hadoop are allowing companies to bring its low-cost, scale-out architecture to a wider audience. In particular, companies are rediscovering that SQL makes data accessible to lots of users, and many prefer3 not having to move data to a separate (MPP) cluster. There are many new tools that seek to provide an interactive SQL interface to Hadoop, including Cloudera’s Impala, Shark, Hadapt, CitusDB, Pivotal-HD, PolyBase4, and SQL-H.

An open source benchmark from UC Berkeley’s Amplab
A benchmark for tracking the progress5 of scalable query engines has just been released. It’s a worthy first effort, and its creators hope to grow the list of tools to include other open source (Drill, Stinger) and commercial6 systems. As these query engines mature and features get added, data from this benchmark can provide a quick synopsis of performance improvements over time.

The initial release includes Redshift, Hive, Impala, and Shark (Hive, Impala, Shark were configured to run on AWS). Hive 0.10 and the most recent versions7 of Impala and Shark were used (Hive 0.11 was released in mid-May and has not yet been included). Data came from Intel’s Hadoop Benchmark Suite and CommonCrawl. In the case of Hive/Impala/Shark, data was stored in compressed SequenceFile format using CDH 4.2.0.

Initial Findings
At least for the queries included in the benchmark, Redshift is about 2-3x faster than Shark/on-disk, and 0.3-2x faster than Shark/in-memory. Given that it’s built on top of a general purpose engine (Spark), it’s encouraging that Shark’s performance is within range of MPP8 databases (such as Redshift) that are highly optimized for interactive SQL queries. With new frameworks like Shark and Impala providing speedups comparable to those observed in MPP databases, organizations now have the option of using a single system (Hadoop/Spark) instead of two (Hadoop/Spark + MPP database).

Let’s look at some of the results in detail:

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Hadoop Training, OpenStreetMap Sprint, MakersFactory Kids’ Programming Camp, and More

Tech events you don't want to miss

Each Monday, we round up upcoming event highlights from the programming and technology spaces. Have an event to share? Send us a note.

Twisted Python: the engine of your Internet webcast: Jessica McKellar presents an architectural overview of the Python networking library, Twisted, and instructs on how to build robust clients and servers for popular and custom network protocols. Register for this free webcast.
Date: 10 a.m. PT, June 6 Location: Online webcast

2 Day Hadoop Training June 2013: This course offers a fast-paced technical overview of the Hadoop landscape, targeted toward both technical and non-technical people who want to understand the emerging world of big data. For more information and to register, visit the event page.
Date: June 8–9 Location: Sunnyvale, CA

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Building Windows 8 Apps, Hadoop Developer Track Course, Write/Speak/Code, and More

Tech events you don't want to miss.

Each Monday, we round up upcoming event highlights from the programming and technology spaces. Have an event to share? Send us a note.

Zero to App in Two Weeks webcast: Kraig Brockschmidt shares lessons learned to help you improve your productivity and app-building efforts when programming Windows 8 apps in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Register for this free webcast.
Date: 10 a.m. PT, May 21 Location: Online webcast

Apache Hadoop Developer’s Track – 1 Day Course: This Big Data Cloud University class reviews Hadoop’s essential server components and details its relation to MapReduce, Hive and Pig programming. Course instruction includes hands-on labs. For more information or to register, visit the class website.
Date: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. PT, May 25 Location: Los Angeles, CA

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The re-emergence of time-series

Researchers begin to scale up pattern recognition, machine-learning, and data management tools.

My first job after leaving academia was as a quant1 for a hedge fund, where I performed (what are now referred to as) data science tasks on financial time-series. I primarily used techniques from probability & statistics, econometrics, and optimization, with occasional forays into machine-learning (clustering, classification, anomalies). More recently, I’ve been closely following the emergence of tools that target large time series and decided to highlight a few interesting bits.

Time-series and big data:
Over the last six months I’ve been encountering more data scientists (outside of finance) who work with massive amounts of time-series data. The rise of unstructured data has been widely reported, the growing importance of time-series much less so. Sources include data from consumer devices (gesture recognition & user interface design), sensors (apps for “self-tracking”), machines (systems in data centers), and health care. In fact some research hospitals have troves of EEG and ECG readings that translate to time-series data collections with billions (even trillions) of points.

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Data Science tools: Are you “all in” or do you “mix and match”?

It helps to reduce context-switching during long data science workflows.

An integrated data stack boosts productivity
As I noted in my previous post, Python programmers willing to go “all in”, have Python tools to cover most of data science. Lest I be accused of oversimplification, a Python programmer still needs to commit to learning a non-trivial set of tools1. I suspect that once they invest the time to learn the Python data stack, they tend to stick with it unless they absolutely have to use something else. But being able to stick with the same programming language and environment is a definite productivity boost. It requires less “setup time” in order to explore data using different techniques (viz, stats, ML).

Multiple tools and languages can impede reproducibility and flow
On the other end of the spectrum are data scientists who mix and match tools, and use packages and frameworks from several languages. Depending on the task, data scientists can avail of tools that are scalable, performant, require less2 code, and contain a lot of features. On the other hand this approach requires a lot more context-switching, and extra effort is needed to annotate long workflows. Failure to document things properly makes it tough to reproduce3 analysis projects, and impedes knowledge transfer4 within a team of data scientists. Frequent context-switching also makes it more difficult to be in a state of flow, as one has to think about implementation/package details instead of exploring data. It can be harder to discover interesting stories with your data, if you’re constantly having to think about what you’re doing. (It’s still possible, you just have to concentrate a bit harder.)

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