Top Stories: November 7-11, 2011

Tim O'Reilly on ebooks, confessions of a not-so-public speaker, and why social network analysis matters.

Here’s a look at the top stories published across O’Reilly sites this week.

Thoughts on ebooks
Tim O’Reilly: “Our original ebook vision was of a world in which ebooks would be published in standard formats and could be read on any device, and where dominance of a particular piece of software or a particular e-reading device would not lock people in.”

Confessions of a not-so-public speaker
Stepping out of our comfort zones and into the spotlight at events (and encouraging others to do likewise) can help address the perception that the tech community is solely populated by young white guys.

Social network analysis isn’t just for social networks
The scientific methodology of social network analysis (SNA) helps explain not just how people connect, but why they come together as well. Here, “Social Network Analysis for Startups” co-author Maksim Tsvetovat offers a primer on SNA.

Access or ownership: Which will be the default?
Business, media, publishing, data, education — these are all areas where access versus ownership has organically popped up in Radar’s coverage. But which model will win out in the long term?

Three game characteristics that can be applied to education
Cloud technologies and thoughtful roadmapping of digital technology can ensure that authenticity, social interaction, and play remain central components of education.

Tools of Change for Publishing, being held February 13-15 in New York, is where the publishing and tech industries converge. Register to attend TOC 2012.

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