"digital content" entries

Six ways to think about an "infinite canvas"

How would content look, feel and act in an unlimited space?

Imagine a canvas that's elastic and infinite. Now consider the content that could exist in this domain. How would it work? How would you interact with it? Pete Meyers considers these questions and more.

The future of looking back

Examining the values of legacy in the digital world.

A new book looks to understand our need to collect and archive the things left behind by our ancestors, and how this translates to the digital domain.

Top Stories: September 19-23, 2011

True data over big data, community building through data, and the choreography of digital design.

This week on O'Reilly: Alistair Croll explained why true data is more important than big data, we looked at how BuzzData is building community around datasets, and Liza Daly explained the connection between digital content and choreography.

When media rebooted, it brought marketing with it

Mitch Joel on matching marketing platforms to your needs and why book ads might work.

In this TOC podcast, Twist Image president Mitch Joel talks about some of the common challenges facing the music, magazine and book publishing sectors. He also expands on his suggestion that publishers should "burn the ships" and not look back.

Keeping images and text in sync

Two examples of how digital images and associated text can stick together.

The fluidity of digital content occasionally sends images in one direction and text in another. Here's a look at two design experiments that keep digital assets together.

If you're a content designer, the web browser will be your canvas

Peter Brantley on designing and thinking browser first.

The Internet Archive's Peter Brantley discusses the influence of web browsers on content design and the challenges of complex media.

RIP Michael S. Hart

Remembering the founder of Project Gutenberg.

Michael Hart was the founder of Project Gutenberg, an incredible visionary for online books, and someone who touched my life.

Sometimes the questions are as enlightening as the answers

10 digital book questions worth pondering.

If you're willing to accept the ambiguity, an answer of "I don't know" can launch intriguing possibilities. Here, Peter Meyers offers 10 open-ended questions about the shift from print to screen.

A story takes shape amidst tweets and pauses

Novelist Reif Larsen takes to Twitter to tell a short story.

The novelist Reif Larsen did something on Twitter recently that showed how sometimes the best stories are those that arrive in small morsels, spaced generously.

Augmented reality and books, together at last?

Four vastly different projects marry augmented reality with publishing.

Here are four examples that illustrate how books and other publications are starting to use AR to power their pages.