Open source alchemy: Health care and Alembic at OSCON

Brian Behlendorf and David Riley on open source health solutions and the Aurion project.

At last year’s OSCON I spoke with David Riley, Brian Behlendorf and Arien Malec about how open source solutions can help improve our health care system. A lot has happened in the past year, both with the Direct Project and the efforts to build a Nationwide Health Information Network.

This year David Riley gave an update on Aurion (developed from the CONNECT codebase), which is a major project of the Alembic Foundation. Alembic was founded by David, formerly the CONNECT initiative lead for the Federal Health Architecture (FHA), and Brian Behlendorf, the chief technology officer for theWorld Economic Forum. David’s presentation focused on the Aurion Project’s relationship to CONNECT, and it gave us a sense of where the Project is heading in the future. I spoke with Brian and David during OSCON, and in this first clip they discuss the mission and goals of the Alembic Foundation:

In this next clip they speak about how their efforts are related to the broader work on health information exchange, and specifically how Aurion will support the Direct Project:

In this final clip, brought on by an earlier question from Fred Trotter, they explore possibilities for Alembic to work on open source electronic health records like the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA):

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