The startups at the Expo Showcase

30 companies will vie for attention at the Web 2.0 Expo NY.

web 2.0 expo nyc
We have selected 30 young, mostly unknown and some unlaunched companies to participate in the Startup Showcase at the Web 2.0 Expo NYC. We have a really wide range of companies including The Social Bicycle System (the bike lenders), Facebook-killer Diaspora, Twitter account manager SocialFlow and email manager SaneBox. As a startup it’s sometimes hard to get noticed; it’s our hope that this will provide them an opportunity to get some visibility. Our attendees will get to meet these young companies in person.

On Wednesday night, September 29, we’re going to have 30 startups demoing in one large room. You’ll have 50 minutes to check them all out and vote for your favorites (we’ll sound a chime every five minutes, letting people know it’s time to circulate). At the end of the hour, Tim O’Reilly (O’Reilly Media Inc.) and Fred Wilson (Union Square Ventures) will each announce their top pick along with the audience favorite. These three startups will then each give a pitch and have an on-stage conversation with Tim and Fred. The showcase is sponsored by .CO.

And without further ado here’s the list.

The program for the Web 2.0 Expo NYC is complete. We have sessions for Developers, Designers, Marketers and Biz Dev. We have added more speakers including Katie Couric (CBS News and talking about the future of journalism), Drew Curtis (Fark and talking about online ads), John Gruber (Daring Fireball, but talking about Apple), Tom Hughes-Croucher (Yahoo! but talking about Node.js) and Eric Meyer (Complex Spiral, but talking about HTML5).

Radar readers get 20% off with the code radar.

If you want to speak at the next Web 2.0 Expo SF our CFP is open until 9/20. Let us know what’s on your mind.


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