Dr. Venkat Subramaniam

Be a Polyglot Learner First, Then a Polyglot Programmer

How dabbling in a new language now can lead to innovation later

Being a polyglot programmer has its benefits; most of us have read or heard about those benefits from various respectable sources. I’d like to highlight the importance of being a polyglot learner before being a polyglot programmer.

You heard me right—learn a new language, but don’t rush to use it in production. At least not right away. I have used this approach and have realized two major benefits:

  • Enhanced design skills, and
  • The ability to adapt quickly to an evolving mainstream language

Most programmers currently code in one of the mainstream languages like Java, C#, and C++. On a typical enterprise project, chances are we’re using one of these languages. It might seem like a tall order for most of us to be able to intermix other languages. However, it’s becoming more critical that we do. Let’s discuss why.

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