"HITECH" entries

Health Information Technology: putting the patient back into health care

In health information technology, we have a rare chance to ensure that the most affected members of the public actually have their own direct representative. A letter in support of Regina Holliday.

Report from HIMSS 12: wrap-up of the largest health IT conference

Recalcitrant instincts that depressed me and progressive suggestions that restored me. Details DICOM, Watson, and other interesting projects.

Report from HIMSS Health IT conference: building or bypassing infrastructure

lectronic record systems need all kinds of underlying support. Your
patient doesn't want to hear, "You need an antibiotic right away, but
we'll order it tomorrow when our IT guy comes in to reboot the
system." Your accounts manager would be almost as upset if you told
her that billing will be delayed for the same reason.

Report from HIMSS Health IT conference: from Silicon Valley technology to Silicon Valley risk-taking

I’m in Atlanta for the biggest US conference in health care IT, run by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). Although many people have been saying that the medical field would benefit from a Silicon Valley approach to technology, it’s coming to seem that even more important would be a Silicon Valley approach to risk-taking. Initial report from annual HIMSS conference.