"c programming language" entries

Mastering iOS development

Matt Neuburg has suffered through the difficult bits of iOS development so you don't have to.

Matt Neuburg is an O’Reilly author and long-time writer for tidBITS.

We sat down recently to talk about iOS development and how best to build solid apps … the secret is take the time to learn the basics.

Key points from the full video (below) interview include:

  • All of the real power in iOS development is in C. [Discussed at the 1:26 mark]
  • Don’t use the Cocoa Framework, let it use you. [Discussed at the 2:56 mark]
  • Even though you don’t have time, understanding the underlying foundation of the OS makes you better a developer. [Discussed at the 8:07 mark]
  • Take a deep breath … Apple is actually working on improving the dev experience. [Discussed at the 10:54 mark]

You can view the entire interview in the following video.

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